Is it save to drink half cup of 'kADHA' daily?

Is drinking 'KADHA' is good for health. Drinking Kadha is very good for health kadha increases the immune system of our body. 'Kadha' is very helpful for our health take half cup of kadha once a day it is fully save. Consuming 'Kadha' also keeps the body fine even in winter cold it decreases the cough. As of nowadays, all are struggling with covid-19 at this time it is very important to increase immune system of our body kadha plays one of the best role to increase immunity system of our body. As per we all know that the covid-19 vaccine has not yet been released and many patients have been affected by this. As per doctors consolation, if the immune system of the body is good it can avoid by having corona. So increasing immunity is very important not only for corona but also for keep our body healthy and active. Individual of any age can drink the kadha. Exercise is also the best way to boost immune system it is also very useful for our health. Doing r...